A Message from the President
Every decision of any significance that I have made in my life as a believer has had the counsel and the clear leading of the LORD. Such is the case now as I have accepted to serve you, and most importantly the Lord, in this capacity at the college. On July first, I joyfully begin this great opportunity, with dependence upon the Lord for both strength and wisdom. Since my acceptance before the students and faculty in late April, I have been working behind the scenes, along with our College Dean, Dr. Danny Baer, to assemble a great team of professors to join our present faculty.
As you will see in our new personnel, the Lord has directed in an amazing way to orchestrate in bringing together a great team of men and women for this fall semester. Dr. Tom Malone said, “When God is going to do something wonderful, He starts with the difficult. When God is going to do something miraculous, He starts with the impossible.” I am more thrilled than ever about the bright future of our Southeastern College. The need is greater than ever before to produce dedicated, consecrated young lives for the great mission that lies before us, the mission of glorifying our great God and Savior by bringing the gospel to the nations through local church ministries. We are not “ashamed of the testimony of our Lord” (2 Tim. 1:8).
I am looking forward to the students that the Lord will direct to us for training, sharpening, and equipping this fall and into the future until Christ returns. Southeastern is just a small part of the Kingdom, a kingdom that shall never fail. What part do we all play? The lives of these young people (and some, not so young) are precious pieces of clay. We must be faithful to our calling from the Lord not to cause one of them to stumble.
How can you help us? There is no substitute for prayer! Pray for us. Use your influence to send us students. Support us with your finances, as the Lord, by His grace, enables you. Southeastern is not a replacement for the local church. We are simply a partner, a tool that the Lord has used, and will use, to teach and train hearts and minds for the greatest cause on earth. Please join us in the great cause.
Pastor/President Nate Ange