2016 Fall All Access Days Recap

2016 Fall All Access Days Recap

One week ago today 110 high school students arrived on Southeastern’s campus to experience three days of All Access Days.  All Access Days is a time twice a year when high school students are invited to come on campus and experience college life. Our hope is that many...
Southeastern’s Spring Conference 2017 (Road to Revival)

Southeastern’s Spring Conference 2017 (Road to Revival)

Southeastern’s Spring Conference 2017 (Road to Revival) Do you love biblical preaching and great Christian music? Make plans to attend “Road to Revival” Southeastern’s Spring Preaching Conference.  Every year, hundreds of Christians gather on the campus of...
Compass Rose Legacy Society

Compass Rose Legacy Society

Steve & Cindy Berry welcome Southeastern’s newest members, Phil and Barbara Houbler, to the Compass Rose Legacy Society. The Compass Rose Legacy Society is a group of like-minded Southeastern Partners who sense the burden of providing true direction to college age...
Southeastern’s First Lay-Leader Church Music Conference

Southeastern’s First Lay-Leader Church Music Conference

Southeastern’s First Lay-leader Church Music Conference Southeastern’s mission is to train students for church-related ministries. That purpose is born from a belief in the importance of the local church.  Sensing that burden for the local church and its lay leaders,...