Mike Morris
Food Service Manager
Mike Morris joined the faculty of Southeastern nearly 20 years ago as the food service manager. He is a native of West Virginia and is a graduate of Thomas Dale High School. He then went on to attend Warner Southern Christian College for two years. Mike has served in multiple churches by teaching Sunday School, leading youth camps, and going on numerous international mission trips to four different countries. He has been married to his wife, Vicky, for 33 years, and they have one daughter who is a graduate of Southeastern along with her husband. Along with a daughter and a son-in-law, they have two grandchildren who they love very much. Mike is a respected and loved faculty member here at Southeastern and has made an incredible impact on our students through his character and Christlikeness. Outside of working for Southeastern, Mike enjoys running his catering business, Bread of Life, and getting a chance to sit down and relax with his wife.