Net Price Calculator 

Estimate your overall cost for attending Southeastern Free Will Baptist College and see how you will receive an excellent education that is affordable!

About This Estimation Calculator

Use this tuition net cost estimation calculator to estimate your total yearly cost of attending Southeastern Free Will Baptist College. Based on your answers to these questions this calculator will help you estimate your total cost of attending for a year.

This estimate takes into account your financial and living situation and uses the most recent EFC formulas and Southeastern Free Will Baptist College associated rewards. The total tuition (plus room & board, fees, books, and miscellaneous expenses) is then reduced by the amount of your expected financial aid rewards.

As you answer these questions, questions that are no longer relevant to you based on previous answers may be removed or added. Information entered into this form is not saved permanently in any way.

This calculator uses these EFC formulas for 2020-21 and included tables.

To find out your actual Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) awards go to FAFSA AID

By clicking "I Agree" below you are acknowledging that you have read and understood that the results of this calculator are an estimate only. This is not a binding agreement between any state or federal organization and is simply an estimate.

WP Net Price Calculator™

About the Student

Please answer the following questions. Your answers will be used to estimate the total yearly cost of attendance at Southeastern Free Will Baptist College. This will only be an estimate. To find out how much Federal Student aid you may qualify for visit

Already know your EFC number?

A Few Questions

A Few More Questions

Review Information

Review the information you have provided. You can click the Edit button below to return to the beginning and edit provided information or if you are happy with the current selections click "Total" to view your estimated net price. Questions may appear or disappear depending on answers to previous questions.


Where the student will live while attending this institution.
In state, Out of state, In District tuition
Applying for Financial Aid
Attending full time or part time
Primary source of financial support for any children
Number of people are in the family's household
Family household members attending college next year
Annual household income after taxes
Citizenship status
State of legal residence
* Based on the answers given you are an independent student.
* Based on the answers given you are a dependent student.
* Based on the answers given your not a citizen of the U.S or not U.S. eligible non-citizen and do not qualify for federal assistance.

Academic Year: 2020-21

Estimated tuition and fees
Estimated cost of books and supplies
Estimated total cost of attendance per year.
Estimated total
Estimated Net Price After Grants and Scholarships
* This institution requires that full-time, first-time students live on-campus or in institutionally controlled housing.
* These estimates are for full-time undergraduate students.
* As a non-citizen none qualified alien. Your are not eligible for assistance.
This is only an estimate. To apply for federal aid and to find out your official available aid visit FAFSA AID and complete the application.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Daniel Osborne at or click the button below.