News from Southeastern
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TRACS Accrediting Team Completes Final Site Visit on July 9, 2020
Accreditation Anticipated During the 2020/21 School Year Tuesday, July 7, 2020, the College Dean Dr. Danny Baer stood excitedly at the front door of the Southeastern Cafeteria waiting, along with twenty-five attending College...
Final Accreditation Team Visit Completed Yesterday – July 9, 2020
Accreditation Anticipated During the 2020/21 School Year Tuesday, July 7, 2020, the College Dean Dr. Danny Baer stood excitedly at the front door of the Southeastern Cafeteria waiting, along with twenty-five attending College faculty and staff members, to receive...
Introducing The New Vine & Branches Ministerial Scholarship
Southeastern is pleased to announce The Vine & Branches Ministerial Scholarship for all ministerial students attending Southeastern. President Ange is grateful that God continues to move on the hearts of His people to sacrificially give in a way that helps enable...
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