News from Southeastern
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SFWBC Approved for Federal Aid
SFWBC Approved to Receive Title IV Student Aid President, Rev. Nate Ange and College Dean, Dr. Danny Baer are pleased to announce that as of Friday, December 7, Southeastern Free Will Baptist College has been approved for Federal Aid. This means our students will be...
A Message from the President
Upon returning today from our eleven-day mission trip to Moldova and Romania, I have been gripped again first hand as to the purpose of Southeastern College. We exist to train workers for the vast harvest fields at home and abroad. “The harvest truly is plenteous, but...
A Message from the President
A Message from the President Every decision of any significance that I have made in my life as a believer has had the counsel and the clear leading of the LORD. Such is the case now as I have accepted to serve you, and most importantly the Lord, in this capacity at...
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