Spiritual Life
Chapel is one of the most important events that takes place at Southeastern. It is an opportunity three times a week for our students to be challenged, convicted, encouraged, and blessed spiritually. We encourage you to visit us at a chapel service or watch a previous service!
Spring Conference
Spring Conference is a time that all students and alumni look forward to! It is a few days of spiritual refreshment and renewal with wonderful fellowship. You can always count on excellent singing and anointed preaching to be apart of each service!
Missions Trips
We are a college that firmly believes in the Great Commission and that we are to minister beyond our Jerusalem. God has blessed us with incredible opportunities to minister outside of the United States with local churches all across the world. These experiences have been life-changing for our students and serve as a proponent to prepare them for the mission field.
Campus Revival
Our campus revival takes place early in the fall semester and serves as a spiritual catalyst for the school year. Each year we have an excellent preacher who is prepared to challenge our students with messages directed specifically to them.

Missions Revival
Missions Revival is a time for us as a college to focus specifically on the mission field that awaits us here in the United States, but also in other regions of the world. Each year we bring in a missionary who is planting a local church stateside or internationally. He share his heart and preach to our students during the revival and then go with them to the missions retreat which takes place afterwards.
Prayer Groups
Three times a week, our students will gather together with their prayer groups at night. They will share requests, give testimonies and devotions, and close by praying for each request specifically mentioned. This allows our students to share their hearts and then pray for another.

Christian Service
Our students have the opportunity to serve within nearby local churches. This service will vary by location and the needs of the church, but many of our students help in children’s church, AWANA, youth ministry, choir and orchestra, and much more. Some even become hired staff at churches although though they are still students.