The ensemble begins the second leg of travel with a service at Calvary FWB Church in Glendale Springs, NC before heading south to Alabama. They hope to connect with many of you during the two weeks spent in Alabama churches. The tour will be complete when the ensemble arrives in Tampa, FL for the National Convention this year.
If the ensemble happens to be in your area, please come to a service and introduce yourself! Ken Cash and his wife, Jayne, will accompany the ensemble. Please pray for the health and safety of all during the tour and that this ensemble will be a blessing to those they meet.
Second Travel Block
7/6/24 10:00 AM – Calvary FWB Church, Glendale Springs, NC
7/9/24 7:00 PM – Mt. Harmony FWB Church, Vernon, AL
7/10/24 7:00 PM – New Liberty FWB Church, Bankston, AL
7/11/24 6:30 PM – Trinity Camp, Guin, AL
7/13/24 6:00 PM – Sardis Youth Rally, Eufala, AL
7/14/24 10:30 AM – Sardis FWB Church, Eufala, AL
7/14/24 5:00 PM – New Zion FWB Church, Headland, AL
7/16/24 6:30 PM – Church H2O, Birmingham, AL
7/17/24 6:00 PM – Winfield FWB Church, Winfield, AL
7/18/24 1:00 PM – Alabama Children’s Home
7/18/24 7:00 PM – Beaverton FWB Church
7/19/24 6:30 PM – Vernon Association Youth Rally, Sulligent, AL
7/21/24 – 7/24/24 – National Association of FWB, Tampa, FL