On August 5-9, Southeastern hosted an accreditation Team Visit by TRACS (Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools). This visit was led by Dr. Tanmay Pramanik, the Vice President of Institutional Compliance and Southeastern’s accreditation liaison, along with five content experts from across the country.
At the conclusion of the visit, the College received a draft report of the team’s assessment, which contained only one recommendation and six suggestions. Dr. Pramanik stated that this was a great report.

The College will attend the TRACS Commission Meeting in October when College leaders will come before the Commission members, and the official vote will occur.

President Jeff Jones was extremely pleased with the accreditation report and highly complimentary of his team at the conclusion of the visit.

Once the TRACS Commission votes in October, the College will officially receive Reaffirmation I, which grants the College accreditation for the next ten years before another visit is required.